Sunday 2 May 2010


The overall design of our crane was simple and could sustain in the adverse conditions as mentioned in the tender. I personally feel, we could have designed it better, if we were given little bit more time. I apologise for not updating the blog on time. Unfortunately, the main reason behind this was my injury, because of what I was on bed for more than 4 weeks. As I did not have internet access, I could not do any work while I was on bed. After four weeks, I could walk with crutches, but was left behind in other modules too. As I feared to do badly in other modules too, I tried to put my efforts to catch up on everything I missed. Even though, I had short span of time to work towards this project, it was a good experience to use the available information around us and virtually manufacturing something very important from scratch.

Saturday 1 May 2010


Overall I am not pleased with the outcome of this project; it could have been a lot better. The lack of commitment of certain individuals caused a major setback to the project. The quality of the crane could have been improved in many aspects. This was a disappointing project and if I were to do it again, I would do things a lot differently.