Thursday 11 March 2010

2nd Meeting


We had our second meeting today, where we all discussed various designs for the crane. The main focus was on the designs as we thought if we confirm 1 design which is feasible in the market and there is a gap for, we can then start research in our specific individual roles. We all decided that all of us as individuals are going to come up with 5 designs each and then in our next meeting look at the advantages and disadvantages of each design, and then once confirmed by the chief designer (Varinder Singh), choose 1 main design to move forward with. Our next meeting has been scheduled for the 12/03/2010 where we are going to exchange designs and ideas.

Soon there will be some posts/pictures of all the different designs we all came up with.

Below is a Gantt chart we created to keep a track of our deadlines.


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