Tuesday 23 March 2010

Here are my initial designs that I think would do the required job in rough conditions. These designs are brought up in our 2nd meeting on 10/03/10. My first design for the crane is very simple, it lifts the load with the help of winch and pulley and then the the crane as a whole can be moved to different place. Since the crane, we need to design is for rough and uneven ground, this design was not good enough.
My second design is inspired from gantry cranes. This would lift the load from one end of the crane and move to the other end.
The next design is inspired from military tanks. As they are highly stable on uneven grounds, so the base of this crane is quite similar to that of military tank. The belt used on tank's tyre will be used for these cranes in manufacturing.
The fourth design is modification of the last design. The principle of this crane is same as that of the third design. The only difference is that it has got bending legs. The reason to include these legs is make the movement of load easy and effecting.
The final design I have here is influenced from the concept of sky mars crane.

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